Image: Pixabay
The Environment Commission (CMA) meets next Wednesday (8), starting at 8:30 am, and can vote on the bill that establishes a legal framework for the production of bio-inputs (PL 3668/2021). If approved by the Commission, it could go directly to the Chamber of Deputies.
The project was authored by the president of the CMA, Jaques Wagner (PT-BA), and was presented as a response to the proposal to relax the pesticide law (PL 1459/2022), which was being processed in the Chamber at the time. Bioinputs are organic resources for pest control and increasing soil fertility.
“We understand that it is necessary, above all, to expand the scope of the legislative proposal, to regulate not only the production of bio-inputs through biological management, but also its entire production cycle, which includes the production, import, export, commercialization and use of bio-inputs in national agricultural production”, wrote the senator in his justification for the project.
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The rapporteur is senator Veneziano Vital do Rêgo (MDB-PB), who recommends approval with several changes he presented. He added, for example, more criteria for the production and registration of bioinputs.
In addition to the project, the CMA is expected to analyze two applications on Wednesday. One of them is from Senator Jaques Wagner and suggests holding a public hearing on the potential of the socio-biodiversity economy (REQ 37/2022). The audience would be part of June Green.
The second request is from senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP) and demands information from the Ministry of the Environment about the import of 18 giraffes by BioParque do Rio (REQ 36/2022). Three of the giraffes died and the rest are sheltered in a resort in Mangaratiba (RJ). With information from Agência Senado.