ABRA is an institutional supporter of the virtual event: “Regional Technical Conferences on Animal Fats”, which takes place on September 21st and 22nd – Argentina, which is sponsored by Aboissa.
The purpose is to provide updates and training on the various technical and commercial aspects related to livestock and poultry farming waste with a focus on animal fats, a debate on the challenges of the current scenario. The event is aimed at managers, professionals, supervisors and technicians related to the chain of obtaining, processing and using fats of animal origin, as well as researchers, teachers and students interested in the sector.
The transmission will be through the “TEAMS” platform.
Registrants will receive a link to access the sessions. The event is organized by the Chamber of Livestock By-Products of the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange and the Argentine Association of Fats and Oils.
Registration can be done via the link: https://asaga.org.ar/index.php/es/cap/grasas-animales
ABRA members have a special discount on registration.
Source: OPEN IT
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