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Among the highlights this month, updated data from Deral confirm that soybean production will be a record: 22.37 million tons are expected to be produced on 5.76 million hectares.
Production of the 2022/2023 harvest in Paraná could reach 47.12 million tons in an area of 10.84 million hectares, according to the Department of Rural Economy (Deral), of the State Secretariat for Agriculture and Supply (Seab) . The data is in the Subjective Harvest Forecast, released this Thursday (27).
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Among the highlights this month, updated data from Deral confirm that soybean production will be a record: 22.37 million tons are expected to be produced on 5.76 million hectares. This volume is 83% higher than the 12.19 million tons harvested in the 2021/2022 cycle, in a larger 2% area.
Combined, the first and second corn harvests could yield 18.2 million tons of Paraná, which attests to the State's share of 15% in the total Brazilian grain harvest, of 124.9 million tons, according to the estimate for the 2022/2023 harvest. According to technicians, the crops are developing well.
As for beans, the first harvest should result in 197.6 thousand tons, 1% more than in the previous cycle, even though the area has suffered a reduction of 17%, falling from 139.3 thousand hectares in the 2021/2022 harvest to 115 thousand hectares in the current harvest. The estimate for the second harvest indicates production of 592 thousand tons, 5% higher than the previous cycle (561.5 thousand), in an area of 296.9 thousand hectares, 12% smaller (338 thousand).
According to the head of Deral, Marcelo Garrido, the numbers indicate a good harvest for Paraná. “Producers enjoyed more favorable weather conditions than in the last harvest, which enabled better results in terms of productivity,” he says.
SOYBEAN – The report shows that Paraná will produce 22.37 million tons of soybeans, a positive adjustment of just over 190 thousand tons compared to March data. Thus, the largest soybean harvest in history in the State is confirmed. This volume represents 15% of the national harvest, estimated at 153 million tons, and an increase of 83% compared to the 2021/2022 harvest, when 12.19 million tons were produced.
The forecast area is 5.76 million hectares, 2% larger than the previous harvest. The prices charged in recent days, of R$ 125.00 for a 60 kg bag, on average, are 15% lower than those recorded in March, and 30% lower compared to the same period in 2022, according to analyst Edmar Gervásio.
CORN – This week, 87% of the estimated area of 385.8 thousand hectares, the first corn crop was harvested, and work should conclude in the next few days. Although the area is 9% smaller than that planted in the 2021/2022 cycle (426.2 thousand hectares), the expected production is 28% greater, going from 2.96 million tons to 3.79 million tons in this cycle.
The second harvest can generate 14.42 million tons in an area of 2.46 million hectares. If confirmed, production will be 8% greater than that of the 2021/2022 harvest, in an area 9% smaller.
According to Deral analyst, Edmar Gervásio, prices paid to producers have fallen. Last week, a 60 kg bag of corn was sold for R$ 57.00, on average. This value is approximately 18% lower than that received last month, and 28% lower when compared to the same period in 2022. “These changes can be explained by the drop in price on the foreign market and the ample supply of the cereal”, he says.
BEAN - Estimates for the first bean harvest indicate a volume of 197.6 thousand tons on 115 thousand hectares. Production is similar to that obtained in the 2021/2022 harvest, in a smaller 17% area.
The second harvest occupies an area of 296 thousand hectares in Paraná, and 2% of the crops are harvested. It is estimated that 592 thousand tons will be produced. These numbers represent a reduction of 12% in the area and an increase of 5% in production in relation to the volume harvested last year.
So far, weather conditions are favorable. The latest field survey indicates that 90% in the area is in good condition and 10% in average condition. “However, producers are still apprehensive about the climate issue, since most crops are still going through susceptible phases, especially in relation to frost”, explains Deral economist Methodio Groxko.
With the end of the off-season and the start of new production, the market began to show signs of falling prices. Last week, producers received an average of R$ 360.00 per 60 kg bag of colored beans, a reduction of 6% compared to the previous period, and R$ 260.00 per 60 kg bag of black beans, with a drop of 1% compared to the previous week. Compared to the same period last year, however, the values represent an increase of 14% and 5%, respectively.
WHEAT - It is estimated that 4.48 million tons of wheat will be produced in Paraná, 32% more than in the last harvest. This week, the projection of the wheat area to be sown was updated, confirming the projection of 1.36 million hectares, of which 10% have already been sown.
Deral agronomist Carlos Hugo Godinho explains that, despite the maintenance of the state area in relation to last month's report, a small decrease in planting intentions was observed in the South region, opposing the upward revision of the area projection seen in the North.
“Adjustments are normal at the beginning of planting, however, this divergence reinforces the difficulty of planting second-crop corn due to the delay in the soybean harvest, especially in the North region, forcing the producer to opt for wheat”, he says.
At the same time, it shows a certain weakening of the impetus to increase area among producers who have not yet purchased inputs, wheat farmers concentrated in the south of the state. This decrease is explained by cereal prices, as the bag of wheat fell again this week, being quoted at R$ 74.00, a decrease of 4% since last Wednesday (19).
CASSAVA - In Paraná, the production of 3.18 million tons of cassava is estimated on 135.2 thousand hectares. If confirmed, production exceeds the 2021/2022 harvest by 16%, when 2.75 million tons were harvested. The area is 10% larger than that of the previous cycle, at 122.8 thousand hectares. The higher production is due to better weather conditions and, consequently, productivity, compared to last year. According to Groxko, 30% from the area has been harvested so far.
Compared to the month of March this year, when a ton of cassava was sold for approximately R$ 1,100.00, the prices paid to the producer showed a reduction. Last week, farmers received, on average, R$ 916.00 per ton put into the industry. However, the prices are still satisfactory. Compared to the price for the same period last year (R$ 709.00), the value is approximately 30% higher.
COFFEE - This week, 1% of the 25.7 thousand hectare area destined for coffee cultivation in Paraná was harvested. This total area is 2% smaller than that recorded in the 2021/2022 cycle, when 26.3 thousand hectares were cultivated. The expected production is 41.2 thousand tons of coffee, a volume 41% higher than that harvested last year, 29.3 thousand tons.
During this period, 91% of the crops are in good condition, while 9% have average conditions. Regarding the development phases, 72% in the area is in fruiting and 28% is in the maturation phase. “Climatic conditions with regular rainfall in the first quarter of this year have favored the development of crops and the expected production potential”, explains Deral economist Paulo Franzini.
Source: datagro