Image: Pixabay
The cotton harvest is progressing slowly in Mato Grosso. According to the Mato-Grossense Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea), last week the index increased 1.23 pp in the weekly comparison, reaching 2.34% of the area forecast until last Friday (02/07). Among the regions, the northeast is the most advanced, with 33.38% of harvested areas, an increase of 11.08 pp compared to last week, due to the region having more than 40% of areas in the first harvest.
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The good conditions of harvest cotton crops are already reflected in the yields of the harvested plots. Thus, according to Imea informants, the productivity of these areas already exceeds 310@/ha of seed cotton on the state average.
“Finally, it is important to highlight that the low temperatures observed in Mato Grosso and the frost points in some producing municipalities in the last week, could influence crops that are still under development, mainly in the tops of the plant”, says the bulletin .
By: Eliza Maliszewski | Source: Agrolink