Image: Pixabay
Porto Alegre, March 28, 2022 – The harvest of the 2021/22 summer corn crop in Brazil reached 62% of the estimated area of 4.385 million hectares until Friday (25), according to a survey by SAFRAS & Mercado. In the previous week, the total harvested was 56.4%.
Harvesting work reaches 89% in Rio Grande do Sul, 77.2% in Santa Catarina, 76.4% in Paraná, 56.7% in São Paulo, 35.2% in Mato Grosso do Sul, 30.3% in Goiás/Federal District, 24.9% in Minas Gerais and 44.6% in Mato Grosso.
In the same period last year, the harvest reached 59% of the estimated area of 4.353 million hectares of the 2020/21 summer harvest. The average harvest over the last five years for the period is 55%.
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Off-season Planting of the second 2022 corn crop in the Center-South of Brazil, popularly known as safrinha, reached, until the 25th, 99.1% of the estimated area of 14.58 million hectares, according to a survey by SAFRAS & Mercado. Last week, the number was 94.4%. In the same period last year, cultivation reached 95.7% of the 14.402 million hectare area of the 2021 second crop, while the average planting for the period in the last five years is 97.6%. The works reach 98.2% in Paraná, 99.1% in São Paulo, 99.8% in Mato Grosso do Sul, 99.9% in Goiás, 100% in Mato Grosso and 90.3% in Minas Gerais. In the Matopiba region, work has reached 73.8% of the estimated area of 1.094 million hectares. In the same period last year, the planted area reached 64.3% in the 1.078 million hectares cultivated. Dylan Della Pasqua / Crops & Market