The National Supply Company (Conab) released its weekly monitoring of Brazilian second crops and updated the development stage of the crops corn of the 2023/24 summer harvest and the second harvest of 2024 in Brazil.
The second corn crop continues to be harvested, rising from 86% last week to 91.3% of the total cultivated in the country, this index is higher than the 64.3% of the same period in 2023.
Tocantins has already completed its activities, followed by Mato Grosso (99.3%), Piauí (98%), Goiás (88%), Mato Grosso do Sul (87%), Paraná (85%), Maranhão (75%), São Paulo (65%) and Minas Gerais (60%).
Meanwhile, the crops that continue to develop are divided between 0.1% still in grain filling and 8.6% already maturing.
Conab technicians indicate that the harvest is almost complete in Mato Grosso, with only a few plots remaining in the south of the state. “The yields achieved are higher than initially estimated.”
The harvest is also almost complete in MS, but productivity there is lower than initially estimated due to weather problems during the cycle. In Minas Gerais, the harvest is progressing due to dry weather and productivity is also below expectations.
In Paraná, the rains of the last few days have paralyzed harvesting activities in some regions of the state.
The harvest of the first 23/24 crop in Brazil is at 99.4%, lower than the 99.6% of the last harvest. While BA, GO, MG, SP, Paraná, SC and RS have already ended their activities, the harvest continues in Maranhão (97%) and Piauí (96%).
Source: Notícias Agrícolas