COFCO International, one of the leading global agribusiness companies, underwent an independent comparative assessment process and received approval to make available soy free from deforestation and conversion, in accordance with the requirements established by the European feed sector.
The company announced on November 28 the implementation of a voluntary certification program, the COFCO International Standard for Responsible Agriculture, along with its associated verification program. Companies will use these tools to evaluate and promote sustainable practices in their supply chains.
The standard encompasses COFCO International policies, aligning with responsible industry standards and international principles, such as those established in the International Bill of Human Rights.
The European Federation of Feed Manufacturers (FEFAC) created the program. Administration is the responsibility of the International Trade Center (ITC). This is a joint agency of the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO).
COFCO International represents the overseas agricultural business platform of COFCO Corp, China's largest food and agriculture company. The company operates in the supply, storage, processing, trading and transportation of essential commodities such as grains, oilseeds, sugar, coffee and cotton.
Source: Oils & Fats International