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This Thursday morning (27), Chinese authorities reported that they had released the import of beef produced in Brazil before February 21 of this year. The shipment of these cargoes was suspended after the confirmation of the atypical case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in the state of Pará.
Authorization for shipment is valid for meat produced before the confirmation of the atypical case of BSE and shipped after March 23, the date on which the Chinese government announced the removal of the embargo on exports, as reported by Valor Econômico.
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Also according to information published in Valor Econômico, the General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) highlighted in a statement that products produced on February 21, 22 and 23, 2023 cannot be exported, as well as those shipped after February 23rd.
According to market analyst at Levante Inside Corp, Geraldo Isoldi, the market had been following this information since last Tuesday. “There was information that the port had 200 thousand tons of meat, while others indicate 90 thousand tons, which seems to be more feasible”, he informed.
On the other hand, beef shipments continue to perform poorly. “Despite the end of the Chinese embargo, this month's exports, on a daily average, are 33% below the daily average of April last year. With this release, the expectation is that meat exports will return to better levels, as our main customer continues to be China”, highlighted Isoldi to Notícias Agrícolas.
“The information will also help the domestic market, which has been very weak since the pandemic and this year we will have a much greater supply due to the livestock cycle and also due to lower production costs. We need exports so that prices do not continue to fall the way they are, but this “relief” in prices should not happen immediately, as arroba values should remain weak until now”, said Isoldi.
Notícias Agrícolas contacted the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock to confirm the information, but at the time of writing this article there was no response.
Source: Andressa Simão | Notícias Agrícolas