Despite the fact that, in the last four months (July-October), there has been a drop of almost 6.5% in relation to the previous four months (March-June), the foreign exchange revenue obtained so far keeps fresh chicken meat as the fifth main product of the export list and as second on the agricultural basics list (only behind soybean complex products). In other words: challenges in foreign trade are widespread.
So, for example, the 3.74% decrease in revenue does not put chicken meat in a worse situation than other products, as the drop rate is below the general average (reduction of 4.64%). And, from this point of view, among the 10 main exported products, only two (sugar and automobiles) record revenue growth. In fact, among the basic foods, the smallest loss is from chicken meat.
Thus, despite coming with negative exchange rate revenue, chicken meat increased its participation in the export basket. The 3.26% reached in the first 10 months of 2016 represents an increase of almost 1% over the participation recorded in the same period of 2015.