Cargill launches new fat for ice cream and dairy products

Cargill Brasil has launched a new fat that can reduce the saturated fat content in ice creams, creams and dairy drinks by up to 30%, says DairyReporter.

Launched in December, Lévia + c was a mixture of vegetable oils (mainly soybean oil) and emulsifiers that had the same physical structure as a traditional fat, but a saturated fat content of 35% and a maximum fat content trans of 2%.

It could be added to a recipe without changing the product's formulation and also slowed melting, left no residual fat in the mouth and prevented recrystallization and clumping, Cargill said.

Lévia + c's technology was based on the 'structuring' of liquid oils, which promoted the strengthening of the crystal fat network, he said DairyReporter , second Fernando Toledo, strategic marketing manager for fats and oils at Cargill.

“The formation of more stable crystals in the correct quantity, shape and size provides rapid crystallization and product stability.”

The DairyReporter said that the technology behind the Lévia line was developed in 2014 when Cargill partnered with the State University of Campinas to develop an ingredient that could reduce fat content trans and saturated in products such as burnt foods, cookie dough, bread and chocolate. Lévia + e was introduced for foods that require more structure, such as panettone, cakes and sweet fillings. However, there was still a gap in dairy products.

Source: OFI Magazine


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