Image: Pixabay
Investment in increasing the production capacity of corn-based ethanol plants in the state boosts demand for the cereal. According to Única, corn ethanol production in the center-south of the country for the 20/21 harvest was estimated at 2.56 million m³, with Mato Grosso responsible for 85.251 TP3T of the total (2.19 million m³) . For the 21/22 cycle, Única announced the 6th consecutive increase in corn ethanol production in the same region, in the fortnightly comparison. Furthermore, production in Sep.21 was 41.74% above the same period in 2020.
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According to the bulletin from the Mato-Grossense Institute of Agricultural Economics, it is worth noting that the production capacity of corn ethanol in the country continues to grow, mainly in the Center-West, where Mato Grosso is the pioneer and main Brazilian producer. As a result, despite the lower corn production in the 20/21 harvest, there was an increase in the allocation of cereal for ethanol production compared to the 19/20 cycle in MT. Thus, with investments in expanding industries and new plants, Imea estimates that 7.73 million tonnes will be allocated to ethanol in the 21/22 harvest.
By: Aline Merladete | agrolink