Canola cultivation is established in Rio Grande do Sul. In the administrative region of Emater/RS-Ascar in Santa Rosa, the canola area should be 51,314 hectares in the region, which represents an increase of 56% in relation to last harvest. São Luiz Gonzaga and Giruá are expected to be the municipalities with the largest area of canola planted in the region, reaching nearly ten thousand hectares each. According to the Informativo Conjuntural, released this Thursday (11/07) by Emater/RS-Ascar, planting this year was delayed compared to the last harvest, when it was completed in the first half of June. Even so, an initial productivity of 1,738 kg/ha is expected, much higher than the average productivity obtained in the last harvest, which suffered losses caused by adverse weather conditions.
Currently, in RS, 81% of the area cultivated with canola is in the vegetative development phase, 16% in flowering and 3% in grain filling, which correspond to crops sown early. In general, the appearance of the crops is good, with adequate health. The cold and dry weather, during most of the period, is beneficial for the development of the crop. However, there was concern about the frosts that occurred in the previous period, in relation to crops in flowering and in the beginning of grain filling, where it was not yet possible to assess the probable losses in productivity.
The earliest crops, sown in April, have a lower plant density. On the other hand, those sown from June onwards have an adequate plant population, high vigor, good health and development. In addition, weed control continues in the later crops. Additionally, moth control has also been carried out through the use of insecticides.
Wheat planting has been intensified in the state, reaching 82% of the estimated area for this harvest, which is 1,312,488 hectares. While wheat sowing is practically finished in the northwest of the state, in the regions of Caxias do Sul, Sul and Campanha, the operation is behind schedule and some producers are evaluating whether to give up planting wheat so as not to impact soybean in the next harvest – in Campos de Cima da Serra, or whether to invest in livestock – as is the case in Bagé, which may result in a smaller planted area.
The low temperatures favored the planted crops and contributed to good tillering and plant development, forming adequate crops. Most crops presented good appearance and plant population. Due to the rains, many producers applied nitrogen fertilizers to pre-tillering wheat areas, aiming to anticipate the supply of nitrogen and consequently stimulate even more tillering and initial growth.
White oats
The estimated cultivation is 365,590 hectares in 2024. Crop development has evolved; in some regions, there are areas in grain filling. Climatic conditions favored the application of nitrogen fertilizers and weed control.
In the state, the initial projection for cultivation is 34,429 hectares. The crops are in their initial development. In the administrative region of Emater/RS-Ascar in Erechim, of the projected area of 12,460 hectares, 98% have been planted. Of these, 85% are in vegetative development and 15% are in the germination phase. The crops are developing satisfactorily. In the Soledade region, the crops are well established, and cultural treatments are beginning to be carried out. Vegetative performance is limited due to the cloudy and humid weather, but there is potential for recovery if sunny days occur.
Summer crops
In areas where no chemical management was carried out for the implementation of winter crops, the formation of frosts led to the elimination of volunteer plants and reduced the need for chemical control to comply with legislation, which requires a crop health break. The health break period, when soybean plants cannot be kept alive, is 90 days. For Rio Grande do Sul, this period is between July 3 and September 30, 2024.
After the launch of the 2024/2025 Harvest Plan, there was an increase in demand from farmers at the Emater/RS-Ascar offices for information to prepare soybean crop financing projects. In Pelotas, for example, soybean farmers are seeking information on public policies to mitigate losses caused by excessive rainfall. There are expectations of repeating, in the next harvest, the area planted in the 2023/2024 Harvest, which was 527 thousand hectares. However, the number of producers involved in cultivation will decrease.
In the Soledade region, the period was one of recovery of areas. The areas of soil impacted by water erosion are being systematized (scarified with the use of planes) and corrected with the application of limestone. A few terraces are also being built.
After the launch of the 2024/2025 Harvest Plan, corn producers from the administrative regions of Emater/RS-Ascar in Bagé, Ijuí and Santa Rosa sought information both regarding pre-costing and crop costing, as well as the acquisition of seeds and inputs.
In the Bagé region, on the Western Border, the management of ground cover plants should begin in the coming days in areas scheduled for implementation between the end of July and the first half of August. In São Gabriel and Alegrete, producers are looking for new hybrids that offer a good cost-benefit ratio, especially with some tolerance to periods of drought and stunting caused by the leafhopper. In São Borja, producers are planning to plant crops as early as possible to ensure that crops will not be affected by a possible drought during the reproductive period, considering the high probability of the La Niña phenomenon occurring in the second half of the year.
Pastures and livestock
The native grassland continues to be impacted by the increase in cold weather and shorter days, reducing the supply of pasture for livestock. Cultivated pastures are in vegetative development and have shown improvement during the period without rain and sunnier days.
For beef herds, the supply of pastures remains reduced, as many areas are still inaccessible as a result of the weather events of recent months. The breeding phases at the moment include calving, weaning and fattening. Vaccination continues to be carried out. There was a reduction in ectoparasite infestations after the frosts in much of the state.
Sheep farming
In the administrative region of Emater/RS-Ascar in Bagé, the sheep herd is in poor condition due to frost, which affects forage in native fields. Animals in oat and ryegrass pastures are in better condition, but with limited support. The drier and colder weather has reduced the incidence of worms, hoof problems and myiasis, improving the health of the herd. In Erechim, the development of winter pastures is still delayed, impacting the body condition of the herds and increasing vulnerability to diseases, especially during the lambing phase, which requires intensive management to minimize losses. In Passo Fundo, pregnant and lambing females face difficulties due to excessive rain and lack of pasture. The market faces marketing problems due to low prices and challenges in fattening the sheep.
Furthermore, in the Emater/RS-Ascar administrative region of Caxias do Sul, beekeepers used awning reducers to help retain heat in the hives. The general conditions of the apiaries were satisfactory, with no reports of damage to the boxes. However, honey production is practically stagnant. In Passo Fundo, the lack of flowering has increasingly reduced the flow of nectar and pollen to the hives, requiring reviews to assess the feeding of the hives. Therefore, it is necessary to provide supplementary food if levels are low.
In Porto Alegre, only the strongest swarms were able to produce. Beekeepers continue to provide artificial feeding and the harvest has already been completed, with productivity having fallen by an estimated 50% to 70%. In Santa Maria, activity has shown a significant drop in productivity, especially in São Vicente do Sul, where the reduction reached 70%. Finally, in Santa Rosa, the arrival of the cold front reduced bee foraging and flow in the field, while the predominant blooms at the moment are those of forage radish and canola.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas