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The GDP of the soybean and biodiesel production chain recorded R$ 673.7 billion in 2022, around 27% of the entire national agribusiness. 12 years ago, this share was just 9%. From 2010 to 2022, the chain's GDP expanded by 58%; in the same period, agribusiness grew 8% and the economy, 12%. This indicates a consistent increase in the availability of products to the final consumer through soy and biodiesel.
The data is part of the most recent survey prepared by the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea) in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Vegetable Oil Industries (ABIOVE) aimed at generating continuous information on GDP, employment and trade balance for the chain soy and biodiesel.
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The methodological criterion adopted is that of Cepea itself, in which the production chain is structured by segments that involve agriculture itself, inputs, processing (agroindustry) and finally the agro-services performed, including commerce, transport and other services necessary for the movement of products to serve both the final consumer in Brazil and for export.
Job Generation
In 2022, the soy and biodiesel chain generated 2.05 million jobs, 80% more than in 2012 (beginning of the series). As a result, its participation as a generator of jobs in agribusiness increased from 5.8% to 10.8%. It is worth highlighting that the majority of the employed population (PO) in the chain is in agriservices, with 1.35 million jobs (+70.5% compared to 2012).
In relation to the average income from work, the value was R$ 2,912/month (29% above the R$ 2,257 in agribusiness). In soybean production, it reached R$ 3,417 (115% above that received in agriculture, R$ 1,591). In agro-industries, remuneration was R$ 2,359, with higher values recorded in crushing and refining (R$ 2,818) and biodiesel (R$ 3,192). In the same year, the average gain of the Brazilian agricultural agroindustry was R$ 2,277.
Foreign trade
The trend over the last decade for the soybean complex is export growth. Although there were fluctuations, the export value reached a new record in 2022 (US$ 61.3 billion), representing 38% of agribusiness exports.
Exports are mainly destined for China, which has absorbed, since 2013, more than half of the exported value (52,61% in 2022). However, since 2019, the country has reduced its participation, due to increasing imports from Southeast Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Other groups of countries that stood out as destinations in 2022: European Union (14,51%); Southeast Asia (10.09%); Middle East (7,49%); East Asia (3,58%); Africa (1.76%) and North America (0.75%). The others participated with 9.21%.
Despite the great emphasis on exports and trade balance, a significant volume remains in the domestic market. In 2022, the export/production ratio was: 61% for soybeans; 53% for soybean meal; and 26% for soybean oil.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas