Brazil will double the availability of wheat for human consumption

Brazil is expected to double its availability of wheat for human consumption in 2016 compared to last year's season. The projection is from senior analyst at Consultoria Trigo & Farinhas, Luiz Carlos Pacheco.

The predicted volume of harvest of good wheat for milling in Paraná this season (3.32 million tons) is equivalent to the total volume of wheat for milling that Brazil harvested in the previous harvest. In the 2015/16 cycle, 5.5 million tons were obtained, of which 2.3 million tons were of fodder wheat, unfit for human consumption. 

“So, if Brazil actually harvests 6.2 million tons of wheat for milling in the current season, we will have double the domestic availability than we had in the last harvest, with the necessary repercussions on prices (for lower prices). This will have an impact on imports and prices (both lower)”, points out Pacheco.

Source: Agrolink



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