Image: Pixabay
“But the most important movement occurred on the part of the Brazilian market, where the west of Santa Catarina improved its indications by 10 USD/T in relation to Friday's closing, which encouraged some sellers to exit with positions. For the 2023 harvest, the only indications observed in recent days come from the local industry in Paraguay and western Santa Catarina in Brazil, since in the previous week the proposed value from Brazil would be more attractive, and it is getting some business”, he adds.
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In Brazil, premiums increase, but the market only has sellers, no buyers. “In the ports of Santos-SP and Tubarão-ES the premium increased to 128 for September, without a buyer; October fell to 125, with no buyer; November dropped to 125, buyer to 100 and December dropped to 135, buyer to 110. In the ports of Barcarena-PA and Itaqui-MA premiums for September without premiums; seller retreated to 120 for October, no buyer; November seller at 130, without buyer and December seller maintained 140, without buyer”, he indicates.
In Argentina there is no real activity. “The corn export market in Argentina has no buyers on UpRiver, only sellers. Sellers only present themselves to Panamax vessels from the ocean ports of Bahia Banca and Necochea. On UpRiver, sellers offer prices equivalent to US$ 280 for August and September, US$ 284 October, US$ 288 November, US$ 290 December, rising to US$ 273 for the new harvest in March and US$ 271 for April, with no buyers for any month. For Panamax ships in ocean ports, sellers at US$ 289 September, US$ 292 October and US$ 298 December, without buyers”, he concludes.
By: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink