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The Americas add 10 new trade opportunities for the sector.
In the first months of this year, Brazil received authorization to begin exporting agricultural products to 18 new markets. The communications authorizing sales were sent to the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) by the health authorities of each country involved. The records of openings for products in the agricultural sector from January to the first week of May this year reinforce the recognition of international players for the quality and high sanitary and phytosanitary controls established by Brazilian exporters.
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Among the four continents that have opened markets for Brazilian products, one of the most recent in Argentina, the Americas have 10 new trade opportunities for agribusiness. Mapa's Secretary of Commerce and International Relations, Roberto Perosa, highlights the resumption of good relations with the Mercosur bloc. “This new market opening in Argentina shows all the efforts of the Brazilian government, especially Mapa, to reestablish good relationships with our neighboring countries, mainly in Mercosur, and we are doing that. The frequent opening of markets has occurred and shows the total focus on resuming good commercial and fraternal relations between Brazil and other countries”, he commented.
“20 years ago, Brazil dreamed of opening the beef market to Mexico. In the case of pork, the Mexican market accounts for more than 1 million tons. We also had expansions to China and we are working very hard to open markets in the European Union”, celebrated the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Carlos Fávaro.
The expectation is that the opening of Brazilian beef and pork to Mexico will generate an increase of US$ 200 million in exports. Mexico is the third largest importer of animal protein in the world, behind only China and Japan.
According to Mapa's Secretariat of Commerce and International Relations, Brazil registered a record in agribusiness exports in the first quarter of this year, with US$ 35.95 billion. The sector represented, in this period, 47.2% of total Brazilian exports.
Source: datagro