Brazil is prepared to expand food sales to Arabs, says Minister Tereza Cristina

Consumers in Brazil and around the world began to demand even safer food and greater guarantees on all production processes in this post-COVID 19 economic recovery, said this Wednesday (21) the Minister of Agriculture, Tereza Cristina, in her speech at the Brazil-Arab Countries Economic Forum, organized by the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce.

When speaking on the topic “Food Security: A strategic partnership between Brazil and the Arab world”, the minister noted that the potential for growth in Brazilian agricultural trade with Arab countries is enormous, given that the countries have a long history of cooperation , with Brazil being the largest exporter of halal protein (which follows the precepts of the Muslim religion) in the world.

She reinforced that the post-pandemic economic recovery brings a unique opportunity to guide economic efforts towards sustainable development. “It is extremely important that we build sustainable and resilient agri-food systems to guarantee food health,” he stated.

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The minister also signaled that in addition to the growth in exports of products such as sugar, meat and soy, there are conditions for an increase in the supply of products such as cotton, cocoa, fresh and dried fruits. “In relation to Brazilian imports, which have been growing in recent years, I highlight the important participation of fish, vegetables and fruits”, he listed, remembering that trade between Brazil and Arab countries is solid and is complementary to the extent that both carry out beneficial partnerships based on relationships of trust and respect.

Tereza Cristina also noted clear possibilities for advancement and investment, from infrastructure in Brazil to the installation of national companies in the agricultural sector in Arab countries. And for an even more effective maintenance of relations between the two regions and the realization of new business opportunities, it intends, as soon as possible, to resume the agenda of face-to-face international contacts.

Partnership between communities is vital – The vice-president of foreign trade at the Arab-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce, Ruy Cury, who also participated in the Economic Forum this Wednesday, considered that the strengthening of partnerships that Brazil has with the Arab League in The area of food security is vital, as Brazil supplies food to the 420 million people who live in the 22 countries of the League of Arab States.

According to him, Brazil is responsible for supplying around 50% of food consumed in the bloc, and in some countries, this percentage reaches 80%. “Even with the pandemic, and although some products registered fluctuations in availability, there were no shortages, which proves the solidity of Brazilian agribusiness, the commercial partnership between Brazil and Arab countries in the food sector and the immense willingness on both sides to maintain cooperation ”, he highlighted.

However, for the Arab Brazilian Chamber representative, strategic alliances in the food sector between the two regions can still prosper – a lot. “We are advocates in favor of structuring direct logistics lines between Brazil and the Arab countries, in order to facilitate access to food and other Brazilian products, at the same time that we defend greater support for Brazilian companies interested in making investments in Arab countries”, defended Cury.

Finally, he highlighted that it is necessary to intensify marketing actions, production and logistics investments, in addition to promoting products with enormous growth potential between the two countries so that partnerships are even more effective for everyone.

Source: DATA

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