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Paraguay has several price options available to sellers.
The drop on the Stock Exchange was combined with the fall of the dollar and the prices of Brazilian corn for export fell, according to information released by TF Agroeconomic. “Premiums rose to $ 93 cents/bushel for July23; $ 93 for August23 and remained at $105 for September”, he comments.
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“The general apathy of new purchases for export, which has lasted several days, is making Brazilian industries more comfortable to even reduce prices, as they no longer face serious competition from sellers. Most of them didn't even present nominations today. The little movement that can be noticed is to cover any batches of ships already scheduled, closed at much better prices for more than 60 days, thus being able to offer more attractive prices for specific batches, as happened today in Paraná”, he adds.
Argentina has FOB American corn at US$ 304, Brazilian at US$ 310 and Argentinean at US$ 310. “The approximate prices of Argentine wheat, calculated from premiums and CBOT, for the Brazilian buyer fell to US$ 304 for February, to US$ 303 for March, for US$ 301 for April, US$ 303 for May and remained at US$ 251 for June/July, according to the premium report received from Buenos Aires brokers”, he indicates.
Paraguay has several price options available to sellers. “Although FAS buyers have extended their programs and deliveries a little and the numbers remain attractive, the short delivery time (until Friday, 27/01) severely limits business. Locally and in the Brazilian market, values also remain stable. Some movement was observed for the next harvest, with some buyers looking for lots to remove from the silos, paying values slightly higher than what had been observed, at levels between 210.00 and 215.00 U$D/MT, which stimulated some business. But these are limited demands”, he concludes.
Source: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink