Bayer and Case IH announce unprecedented partnership to develop soy technology

Bayer and Case IH, a CNH Industrial brand, announce an unprecedented partnership in the sector, providing for the supply of around 50 Case IH machines for planting, cultural treatment and harvesting of test fields for Bayer's next soy technology, Intacta 2 Xtend®, in the 2019/20 harvest. There will be 254 test fields on rural producer properties, selected by Bayer (the Elected I2X), and operations in these areas will be carried out with Case IH equipment, including: Easy Riser 3200 planters, Puma tractors and grain harvesters of the 130 Series to carry out all the stages involved in the project.

Parceria Bayer e Case

Map with areas in the main producing regions where the tests will be carried out


The Eleitos I2X project will give soybean farmers in the country's main producing regions the possibility of monitoring, in their fields and first-hand, the performance of Bayer's third generation of soybean biotechnology. “For this pre-launch stage of the technology, we will count on a partnership with Case IH. Initiative that is part of Bayer's strategy of involving the industry to be with us on this journey to launch our next soybean biotechnology”, explains Gerhard Bohne, head of Crop Science at Bayer in Brazil.

Another point that Bohne highlights in this harvest's Eleitos I2X project is the focus on data generation and producer training. “All Case IH machines that will be used in operations are compatible with FieldView, Bayer’s digital agriculture tool. This will provide us with an important volume of data to establish operating protocols for better performance of Intacta 2 Xtend® in the fields.” The Bayer leader also adds the relevance of partnerships within this scenario of greater innovation in agriculture. “When industry, academics, researchers and producers get involved in a launch like this, the benefits of the technology begin to better address the needs of Brazilian agriculture”, he reinforces.

“Case IH is recognized as a pioneering and innovative company and, in this way, we are always together with those who innovate and seek the best solutions for agribusiness. That's why we signed this partnership with Bayer, as we know that we have the best technologies, machines and solutions for all stages of cultivation”, says Christian Gonzalez, vice president of Case IH for South America.

I2X Elected Project

The Eleitos I2X project will begin in September 2019 and also foresees 20 field days, with an innovative and technological format, focusing on good herbicide application practices. The events will bring together more than 10 thousand rural producers. During field days, producers will be able to see in practice how Intacta 2 events, Case IH experts will be in the field to monitor and recommend the best use of machines in each operation.

Expected to be commercially launched in Brazil in 2021, soybeans with Intacta 2 Xtend® technology will provide greater protection against the main soybean caterpillars, in addition to helping to control weeds more broadly. To this end, in addition to the herbicide glyphosate, soybeans will also be tolerant to dicamba, efficient in controlling broad-leaved weeds such as horseweed, pigweed, viola string and black pickerel.

Furthermore, in order for the third generation of transgenic soy developed by Bayer to adapt to the particularities of Brazil's climate and soil and increase its performance, the company used new methods in its breeding programs spread across different regions of the country, in addition to partnering with the largest breeders in Brazil.

Case IH Machines

Among the machines that are part of the partnership, the Easy Riser 3200 planter stands out, which offers the best productivity, combining high tank capacity and excellent operational performance. The planter has an agronomic design for the planting lines, featuring the Precision Planting Set doser and to increase the availability of the equipment, Case IH reduced the number of lubrication points (only six points on single chassis machines and 12 points on machines coupled to tandem).

With the largest fertilizer (+25%) and seed (+30%) storage capacity, the Easy Riser 3200 Planter can plant 3.8 hectares more. Added to this, it offers the best straw cutting, with 20” discs, greater gap between rows of up to 400 mm and flexibility to work in the most varied planting conditions. The equipment can be purchased with different settings, ranging from 11 to 36 lines, with a single chassis or with chassis coupled in tandem, with spacings of 45 and 50cm.

Puma tractors with 140 to 234 hp of nominal power are recommended for working together with planters. The machines can work on soil preparation, planting, cultural treatments and various tasks, ensuring maximum efficiency with fuel savings. Some of the differentiators of the Puma line tractors are the Common Rail electronic fuel injection and the SemiPowerShift transmission (Puma 140, 155, 170 and 185) and FullPowershift (Puma 200, 215 and 230). Both 18 forward and 6 reverse speeds, delivering high performance with field-proven durability.

Another highlight is the management in APM mode (acronym in English for Automatic Productivity Management), a standard item on these tractors, in which the operator can select the desired working gear and the system is responsible for making the most appropriate adjustment, so automatic, for a given operation, depending on the workload. If overload occurs at any point, the equipment reduces gear and then returns to ideal gear. In this automatic mode, fuel savings of 14% can be achieved compared to manual control.

Case IH is also a reference in productivity when it comes to spraying. The Patriot 250 and 350 sprayers have active suspension, ensuring the best starting response, better performance on slopes, better uniformity in application, in addition to excellent weight distribution, guaranteeing excellent stability of the set. As an option, it offers AIM Command Flex, a highly accurate spray control system that controls flow, variable rate and curve compensation.

Case IH's Axial Flow grain harvesters guarantee the best grain quality and more productivity during harvest, with the lowest operating cost and offering greater equipment availability. The AF4130 was chosen to join this partnership with Bayer, a machine equipped with a NEF 6.7 electronic engine, from FPT Industrial, with 253 hp, which is the strongest in the category and with a power reserve twice as large as the main model. of competition. This feature allows the machine to respond more quickly to gain power and torque, maintaining harvesting, industrial rotation and grain processing speeds even when harvesting conditions are difficult.

With the change in engine, field tests show that the Case IH equipment is more productive and consumes less fuel. Another item that helps to improve the productivity index is the new endless table, responsible for transporting and distributing the material separated and threshed by the rotor. In Axial-Flow 4130 there was an increase of 13% in transport and distribution capacity. The harvester's grain tank also draws attention. The Case IH machine is 7,050 liters and this represents a larger 8% capacity than the competition. All these differences represent a greater harvesting capacity of up to 4%.

Post: Marina Carvejani
Author: Notícias Agrícolas
Source: Notícias Agrícolas


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