Videocast: Peanut Oil and Fenagra 2025
Our peanut oil expert, Melinda Rodrigues, shared her vast experience in the sector and highlighted the importance of this product in the global market in her interview for Talk Fenagra, hosted by Daniel Geraldes. With almost 8 years of experience at Aboissa, Melinda has played a crucial role in regaining Aboissa’s market share […]
No business for soybeans
Nothing is happening in the soybean market in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, where prices are currently stagnant, according to information released by TF Agroeconômica. “In the local market, for example, today R$ 128.50 was quoted for delivery in August/September, with payment on 09/16. In the interior, in fact, prices followed the quotations of each market, […]
Soybeans and corn: Impact of the devaluation of the Real
In August, Brazilian soybean prices also rose slightly, with an increase of 0.7% compared to the previous month, according to a study by Marcela Marini, Grain and Oilseed analyst at Rabobank. This adjustment, after all, was largely influenced by the devaluation of the real, which helped boost commodity prices in the domestic market. The […]
Palm oil prices soar in Malaysia on Monday
The September palm oil contract on the Malaysian Derivatives Exchange (MDEX) soared in Monday’s session (19) to 22.00 points and 2.52%, quoted at US$ 895.50/ton. The October contract advanced 21.50 points and 2.54%, traded at US$ 868.00/t. Supporting prices, traders adjusted their positions. This had […]
Soybean meal demand rises in Chicago
Soybean prices have intensified their rises and are trading with double-digit gains on the Chicago Stock Exchange this Monday afternoon (19). At 2 pm (Brasília), prices were up 14-14.75 points; September: US$ 9.53 and November: US$ 9.71 per bushel. The soybean grain market is following the lead of bran futures, which soared and […]
Ukraine’s grain exports via Romania fell by 43% on year
As exportações de grãos da Ucrânia por meio do porto romeno de Constanta, no Mar Negro, caíram 43% em relação ao ano anterior nos primeiros sete meses, para 4,62 milhões de toneladas métricas, informou a autoridade portuária à Reuters, já que Kiev pôde contar com seus próprios portos este ano. Constanta continua sendo a principal […]
Chicago wheat prices fall on market pressures
As cotações do trigo em Chicago recuaram nesta semana, conforme apontado na análise semanal da Central Internacional de Análises Econômicas e de Estudos de Mercado Agropecuário (Ceema). Na quinta-feira (15), o bushel do cereal, para o primeiro mês cotado, fechou em US$ 5,28, uma queda em relação aos US$ 5,37 registrados na semana anterior. Segundo […]
Was the reduction of meat in the Olympics effective?
Caio Penido, businessman and president of the Mato Grosso Meat Institute (IMAC), severely criticized the decision by the organizers of the 2024 Olympics to reduce the supply of meat to athletes, prioritizing vegetarian foods to reduce CO2 emissions. Penido argues that the strategy not only lacked scientific basis, but also failed to meet […]
Palm oil imports surge on festivities
India’s imports of palm oil and soybean oil hit their highest levels in about a year in July as refiners stepped up purchases for upcoming festivals amid a price correction, a top trade body said on Wednesday. The higher purchases of palm oil and soybean oil […]