Senate Environment Committee may vote on legal framework for bioinputs
Image: Pixabay The Environment Commission (CMA) meets next Wednesday (8), starting at 8:30 am, and can vote on the bill that establishes a legal framework for the production of bio-inputs (PL 3668/2021). If approved by the Commission, it could go directly to the Chamber of Deputies. The project is authored by […]
Brazil and China advance in the agribusiness trade agenda, says joint note from Mapa and MRE
Cotton prices lose some strength, but remain high
Forest Code completes ten years
Image: Pixabay The Instituto Pensar Agropecuária (IPA) celebrates, this Tuesday (31), the 10th anniversary of the promulgation of the Forest Code. The festivities will take place at the Clube Naval de Brasília and will be attended by deputies and senators who are members of the Parliamentary Agricultural Front (FPA) and authorities who were part of the creation and approval process […]
Evidence that Russia is stealing Ukrainian crops and trying to sell them
Image: Pixabay The intelligence arm of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry said Russian ships carrying stolen Ukrainian grain had arrived in the Mediterranean Sea and were likely heading to Syria, Fortune reported. “From there, the grains can be supplied to other countries in the Middle East,” said the ministry. The report of 12 […]
India signals interest in decentralized ethanol production
Image: Pixabay On May 11, India's Ministry of Oil and Gas announced that three state-owned oil companies, three public banks and five biofuel companies signed a long-term tripartite agreement to establish ethanol plants in the Asian country. {module Form RD} According to the announcement, the agreement will ensure […]