Corn harvest resumes

DATAGRO analyzes adjustment in fuel prices promoted by Petrobras

Biden says temporary grain silos will be built in Ukraine to help boost exports

Brazil's Mato Grosso state produces record soybean harvest

Image: Pixabay The Brazilian state of Mato Grosso produced its largest soybean crop on record, AgriCenso reported the State Institute of Agriculture IMEA as saying. Soybean production in Mato Grosso totaled 59.3 bags/ha in 2021/22, according to IMEA, representing an increase of 3.3% compared to the previous year. {module Form RD} Based on […]
Ukraine returns to sending cereals via alternative routes

Image: Pixabay Despite the war, Ukraine managed to establish alternative routes for cereal exports and the first shipments are already beginning to arrive in Europe. A cargo ship with 18 thousand tons of corn arrived at a Spanish port this Monday, June 13, using a new maritime route opened in the Baltic Sea to bypass […]
Biofuels will be the subject of debates at the National Wheat Forum

Algae-based fertilizer is an effective alternative to the lack of agricultural inputs

Image: Pixabay Studies prove Brazil's great dependence on other countries to meet its domestic demand for fertilizers. According to the National Association for Fertilizer Diffusion (Anda), this index reaches around 85%. With external issues, such as the war between Russia and Ukraine and the rise in freight rates […]
Equipment speeds up ISO standard testing on PPE

Image: Pixabay The IAC-Quepia Quality of Personal Protective Equipment in Agriculture program is installing a state-of-the-art Electrolux Wascator Fom 77 CLS machine at its headquarters with an investment of over R$ 200 thousand. This equipment will allow applying ISO 6330/2012 tests to raw materials used in the manufacture of agricultural protective clothing […]
Once again corn productivity is reduced

Image: Pixabay The 9th estimate of the 2021/22 corn harvest brought a new perspective regarding the area, productivity and production of the cereal. Therefore, the area is now estimated at 6.39 million hectares, an increase of 1.17% compared to the previous report. In relation to productivity, the new number was measured at 102.10 sc/ha, a decrease of 1.63% compared to […]