Bovine arroba is once again traded above the value of meat

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The price of animals for slaughter once again exceeded that of protein.

Live cattle prices are firmer in the São Paulo market. According to Cepea researchers, in addition to the resumption of beef shipments to China, the possibility of keeping cattle on pasture, due to more favorable pasture conditions, also reinforces support for the domestic values of the arroba.

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According to data released by Cepea, in the Greater São Paulo wholesale market, the pace of beef sales remains slow, which keeps carcass prices practically stable. Thus, with the recent recovery in the value of beef and the stability in meat prices, in this part of April, the average price of the animal for slaughter once again exceeded that of protein.

It is worth remembering that, in March, beef cattle for slaughter were traded below the married carcass, due to the slightly more intense devaluations of the beef arroba in the first weeks of that month, which resulted in a drop in the monthly average.

Source: Aline Merladete | agrolink


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