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Argentina's act of sailing a Brazilian boat to collect tolls ended up hampering river flow via the Rio de la Plata, according to TF Agroeconôica, citing La Nación, from Paraguay. “Toll charges on the Paraguay-Paraná waterway not only affect shipping companies, increasing the cost of transport, but are already causing losses to companies and the Brazilian State. Furthermore, it confronts the interests of companies from the neighboring country installed along the Paraguay River, according to the Brazilian Association for the Development of Inland Navigation (Abani)”, he says.
“In a note, the union said it was extremely concerned about the fact that the Argentine government did not respect the Intergovernmental Agreement established between the four countries (Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia), creating tariffs unilaterally. “Even more serious is the decision to retain the ship from the Paraguayan company, a subsidiary of Hidrovias do Brasil, which transported cargoes of Brazilian grains from the municipality of Porto Murtinho, in the state of Mato Grosso”, they warned”, he adds.
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They explained that ports, shipowners, river consignees, tugboat services, shipowners from all countries that make up the route that operate in the Brazilian section and an entire production chain have been developing strongly in the river region. “They generate employment and income and stimulate the export and import sector, but “hindered by the disrespect for the free navigation agreement” on the part of the neighboring country”, he indicates.
“Since January 1st of this year, Argentina has notified the charging of a toll of US$ 1.47 per ton for vessels passing through the stretch, despite the refusals of the other member countries of the Waterway Agreement Commission. Last Friday, a Brazilian investment ship flying the Paraguayan flag that was trying to cross the crossing was detained by Argentine naval authorities for failing to pay the fee”, he concludes.
Source: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink
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