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The objective is to seek greater control of contaminants, oxidative stability and cold properties of the product, which are fundamental characteristics for maintaining the quality of the biofuel throughout the chain.
The ANP approved, this Wednesday (29), at a meeting of the Collegiate Board, the review of the resolution that establishes the specification of biodiesel and the obligations regarding quality control to be met by economic agents that sell the product in the national territory ( ANP Resolution No. 45/2014).
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The revision of the resolution is in line with what is established in CNPE Resolution No. 16/2018, which provides for the evolution of the mandatory addition of biodiesel to diesel oil and determines, in its art. 4th, it is up to the ANP to improve the quality specifications of pure biodiesel, pure diesel oil and the mixture of both products. The new specification is more appropriate to the new levels established by the CNPE with the publication, in today's edition of the DOU, of CNPE Resolution No. 03/2023, which establishes a new schedule for adding biodiesel to diesel oil, starting with 12% of biofuel from 04/01/2023.
The ANP evaluated the topic in depth, and had broad social participation, resulting in robust regulation, which establishes that new specification limits occur gradually, allowing the productive sector the time necessary to implement them. In this sense, it is worth highlighting that the ANP gave deadlines of up to 18 months for the most sensitive changes to come into force: phosphorus, monoglycerides and total glycerin levels.
The approved Resolution contains the following main provisions:
– Obligation for the producer or importer of biodiesel to inform, in the quality certificate, the type and concentration of the antioxidant additive added to the product;
– The biodiesel producer must have an active and operational filtration system with a maximum of ten micrometers of pore size to retain contaminants;
– Monitoring of oxidative stability at 110 °C in the distribution bases;
– Mandatory weekly draining of biodiesel storage tanks, in addition to the need to carry out cleaning whenever necessary;
– Reduction in the monoglyceride content, from the current 0.7 % mass to: 0.60 %, effective 90 days after the publication of the new resolution; and 0.50 %, 21 months after the publication of the new resolution;
– Reduction of the limit for sodium + potassium and calcium + magnesium content, from 5.0 ppm to 2.5 ppm;
– Reduction of the limit for phosphorus content, from 10.0 ppm to: 4.0 ppm, effective 90 days after the publication of the new resolution; and 3.0 ppm, 21 months after the publication of the new resolution;
– Adjustment of the cold filter clogging point table, in line with the national climate reality.
The objective of the above proposals was to seek greater control of contaminants, oxidative stability and cold properties of the product, which are fundamental characteristics for maintaining the quality of biodiesel throughout the chain.
Source: datagro