Image: Pixabay
The 2023 corn harvest reached on Thursday (22) 9.3% of the estimated area for the Center-South of Brazil, against 4.7% a week earlier and 20.3% in the same period last year, according to AgRural survey. Once again, work continued to be concentrated in Mato Grosso, where the high humidity of the grains makes it difficult for the machines to move forward. Other states have recorded harvests in specific areas since last week, but the improvement in the pace still depends on the drop in humidity.
In Mato Grosso, the week of firmer weather boosted the harvest and reports are of excellent yields, despite grain moisture still being higher than usual. The other states in the Center-South have also started to harvest some specific areas, but the machines advance slowly due to the high humidity of the grains.
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AgRural estimates Brazil's total corn production in the 2022/23 harvest (first, second and third harvests combined) at a record 127.4 million tons. Off-season production, which will undergo a new review at the end of June, is projected at 97.9 million tons.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas