Image: Pixabay
If confirmed, this net revenue for pesticide companies would represent an increase of 7.3% over 2020. US$ 6.2 billion worth of products were imported this year, which represented a drop of 10.1% compared to last year's purchases.
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According to Sindiveg, which brings together the main patent formulated agrochemical companies in Brazil, the estimated consumption of 536 thousand tons of agricultural pesticides “effectively applied” to crops (PAT concept = “product per treated area”). If the projection was also confirmed, there would also be a drop of 10.1% compared to 2020.
According to Ciro Marino, executive president of Abiquim, “revenue grew, but so did costs. With a good balance, there is only concern about the lack of competitiveness clearly expressed by the growing share of imports in the portfolio of meeting Brazilian needs. Estimates already point to a record deficit in the sector – around US$ 45 billion”, warns Marino.
3rd trimester
The area treated with pesticides grew by 8.7% in the third quarter of 2021 compared to the same period of the previous year, Sindiveg also reports. In total, 209.3 million hectares were treated in the period, an increase of 16.8 million hectares. Soybean was the product with the largest area treated in the period (32% of the total), followed by pasture (20%), wheat (12%), corn (10%), sugarcane (7%) and other crops.
“This result is due to a series of factors, with emphasis on the start of summer planting and the expected increase in the 2021/2022 harvest, in addition to the expectation of firm prices for the main commodities”, explains Julio Borges, president of Sindiveg. In volume, pesticides applied in the 3rd quarter reached 154.6 thousand tons, an increase of 6.6% compared to the same period in 2020.
By: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink