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With a validity of 90 days, the Agricultural Defense Coordination (CDA) of the Secretariat of Agriculture and Supply (SAA) informs that the period of sanitary void for soybean cultivation began yesterday (15), in the State of São Paulo, which is The objective is to reduce the inoculum potential of the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, which causes Asian soybean rust. This measure is part of the National Program for the Control of Asian Soybean Rust – Phakopsora pachyrhizi (PNCFS) established by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAPA) through MAPA Ordinance No. 306, of May 13, 2021. In the State of São Paulo, the void Health takes place from June 15th to September 15th, regulated by SAA Resolution No. 59, of September 11th, 2021.
During this period, producers cannot sow the crop, except for seed production or for experimental purposes, as long as they are previously authorized by the Agricultural Defense Coordination. Furthermore, during the sanitary void, it is the producer's responsibility to eradicate volunteer soybean plants, also called guaxas or tigüera, through the use of chemical or mechanical measures.
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According to Eng. Agr. Marlon Peres da Silva, director of the Center for Plant Health Defense (CDSV), it is important that producers comply with the sanitary void and, if they detect areas with the presence of soybean plants during this period, inform the regional Agricultural Defense unit that serves the municipality . “Everyone’s collaboration is of fundamental importance, as the void is one of the main measures to control Asian soybean rust, and aims to minimize the negative impacts of the disease on the following harvest”, adds Marlon. Mandatory registration of soybean producing units soy
Another measure instituted by MAPA Ordinance No. 306, of May 13, 2021, is the registration of soybean-producing properties throughout the national territory. Therefore, producers must register information about sowing in GEDAVE – the computerized system of the São Paulo Department of Agriculture and Supply, within 15 days after the end of sowing. In the State of São Paulo, the sowing period occurs between September 16th and December 31st. For more information regarding the registration of these units, look for an Agricultural Defense unit present in the municipality.
Source: datagro