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This Tuesday (11), mitigation and adaptation to climate change through the contribution of the Brazilian agricultural segment was the topic of a meeting between the sector's Parliamentary Front (FPA) and the Ministry of the Environment (MMA), at the Instituto Pensar Agro, in Brasilia. The decarbonization of the atmosphere through the use of biodiesel and alcohol fuel from sugar cane was one of the highlights of the national agricultural sector's collaboration with the world in the face of climate change and the greenhouse effect.
The Brazilian entity that represents the country's 60,000 sugarcane growers, the Federation of Sugarcane Planters of Brazil (Feplana), was present.
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In the year in which the flex-fuel car on national soil, powered by ethanol and not just gasoline, turns 20, there is still the distorted political-ideological view that agribusiness in general is harmful to nature, when the use of fossil fuel, This, which is the main cause of climate change, continues to generate and accelerate the environmental impacts resulting from CO2 in the atmosphere.
“It is absurd inside and outside the country to hear speeches without scientific basis that agriculture destroys everything. Biofuels come from agriculture and are a way of adapting to climate change in relation to the use of clean energy sources”, said José Severo, technical advisor at Feplana, participant of the meeting.
For this and other reasons, some of them discussed at the meeting, the president of Feplana, Paulo Leal states that agriculture is the solution to many socio-environmental problems, in addition to the economic benefits.
In front of the executive secretary of the MMA, João Paulo Capobianco, who sought to hear the contribution of agriculture to reducing the risks of climate change, the president of the FPA, deputy Pedro Lupion, can point out that the production of clean energy places, without a doubt, Brazil in one of the best in the world in the ranking of least pollutant emissions. In addition to this potential, studies show that it is possible to triple agricultural production without deforestation.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas