Image: Pixabay
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (Mapa) is working on the regulation of plant-based products, also known as 'protein of plant origin'. The subject was debated last week at the Seminar on Agricultural Defense (Sedagro), which took place during the 4th Expomeat in São Paulo.
The product does not yet have a consensual name, which will also be addressed in the regulatory process.
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At the Seminar, the NGO The Good Food Institute Brasil presented their points of view; the Brazilian Association of Industry and Commerce of Food Ingredients and Additives (Abiam); the Brazilian Bioinnovation Association (ABBI); and the Nutritional and Functional Food Assessment Laboratory at the Federal University of Lavras.
According to Karina Fontes Coelho Leandro, coordinator of Plant Quality Regulation at the Department of Inspection of Products of Plant Origin (Dipov), it is essential that all sectors involved speak out, especially at the public hearing that should be scheduled soon.
From Tuesday to Thursday this week, tax auditors from Mapa and market representatives gave lectures at Sedagro. On the first day, the topic was avian influenza. A study by FGV Agro showed that Brazil is managing to preserve 46,402 direct and indirect jobs and maintain an economic turnover of R$ 13.5 billion by mobilizing the productive sector to prevent the disease. To date, no case of highly pathogenic avian influenza has been recorded in Brazil.
On the second day, lectures on the perspectives of meat inspection in Brazil discussed the so-called self-control law (law 14,515/2022), which allows greater participation by companies in the control of production processes, a practice that has been growing in the country at least since 2005.
Source: Notícias Agrícolas