Precision farming law was sanctioned

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“The new law will improve efficiency in the use of resources, productivity, quality, profitability and sustainability.”

Last Tuesday (13/12), the Presidency of the Republic sanctioned Law 14,475/22, which establishes the National Policy for Incentives for Precision Agriculture and Livestock, according to the Brazilian Association of Precision and Digital Agriculture (AsBraAp). The law was approved with the aim of expanding the use of production techniques, in order to reduce waste, reduce production costs and increase productivity and profitability, as well as guarantee environmental, social and economic sustainability.

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The law originates from a project (PL 149/19) by deputy Heitor Schuch (PSB-RS), approved in the Chamber and the Senate. “The new law will improve efficiency in the use of resources, productivity, quality, profitability and sustainability of agricultural production, adding value to the Brazilian agricultural production chain. At a time of international crisis, worsened by the war in Ukraine, with the adoption of these technologies, we are able to reduce the impact of the lack of inputs and the increase in production costs for Brazilian crops”, explains Schuch.

The board of AsBraAP (Brazilian Association of Precision and Digital Agriculture) worked actively on the construction and approval of the law. “This law is important as it will allow the traceability of agricultural production to increase with the use of these precision agriculture technologies, providing greater security for Brazilian exports in the face of non-tariff barriers imposed by the European Union. Not to mention, of course, the rational use of inputs, allowing rural producers to increase their profitability with less impact on the environment”, says the director of institutional relations at AsBraAP, Pedro Palatnik.

By: Leonardo Gottems | agrolink


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