Developed by Embrapa, BRS Oquira is a forage peanut cultivar recommended for pasture intercropping in the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes. Rich in protein and with high forage production, the technology is an alternative to intensifying meat and milk production and enabling more sustainable pasture-based livestock farming. Studies have shown that, in fertilized and irrigated crops, the crude protein content in the plant reaches 29%, a value that guarantees quality food for the herd and improves animal productivity.
The result of evaluation and selection of genetic materials, the new cultivar was tested in the climate and soil conditions of the three biomes and, among other aspects, stands out, mainly, for its high forage productivity and greater tolerance to drought. The 15-year research was carried out in partnership with Embrapa Cerrados (DF), Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (PA), Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste (SP) and Embrapa Gado de Corte (MS).