Image: Pixabay
According to Ticket Log data, in addition to the decline in the national average, a liter of ethanol became cheaper at gas stations in all Brazilian regions: Southeast (-4.85%), Central-West (-3.25%), South (- 2.67%), North (-0.37%) and Northeast (-0.11%). The lowest average price for fuel was recorded at pumps in the Central-West, at R$ 5.48. The most expensive average is no longer sold in the South, as last month, and was registered in the North of the country, R$ 6.26.
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In the analysis by State, the Northeast stood out with the highest averages and most significant increases for the price of gasoline. In Bahia, fuel closed the period with an increase of 2.38%, and went from R$ 7.78 to R$ 7.97. The highest average price was found at gas stations in Piauí, R$ 8.08, with an increase of 1.07%. On the other hand, Ceará presented the biggest reduction in the country in the average price of gasoline (-1.68%), which went from R$ 7.80 to R$ 7.67. The cheapest liter was recorded in São Paulo, at R$ 6.97.
In addition to having the lowest price for gasoline, São Paulo was also the state that recorded the lowest average price for ethanol and the biggest drop in the value of a liter of fuel across the country (-7.04%), which went from R$ 5 .10 for R$ 4.74. Once again in the highlights of the most significant increases throughout the national territory, in Bahia ethanol became 2.25% more expensive and went from R$ 6.12 to R$ 6.26. The highest average for a liter was sold at gas stations in Pará, R$ 6.82.
By: Aline Merladete | agrolink