Image: Pixabay
The rise in oil prices has drawn attention to the dependence on fossil fuels on a global scale. The least polluting and economically sustainable alternative in the long term is the production of biofuels, such as biodiesel and ethanol. Brazil has several alternatives for the production of biofuels, including winter cereals. Scenarios in the production of biofuels will be the theme of the opening panel of the National Wheat Forum, which will take place in Brasília, DF, on June 28th.
According to data from the National Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency, Brazil is the second largest producer and consumer of biofuels in the world. In 2021, 7 billion liters of biodiesel and 30 billion liters of ethanol were manufactured.
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The main Brazilian matrix in the production of biofuels is soybeans, but other oilseeds are also used for the production of biodiesel, such as castor beans, peanuts, canola, palm oil and sunflower, in addition to animal fat. Ethanol is produced in Brazil basically with sugar cane and corn, but the use of winter cereals can be an alternative for the production of starchy ethanol. The average convertible starch and sugar content in winter cereals is: barley 50%; oats 50%; rye 59%; triticale 60% and wheat 65%. Alcohol productivity depends on how complete the starch conversion is, but is typically 260 to 380 liters per ton of grain.
The panel Scenarios in the production of biofuels takes place at the National Wheat Forum, on 28/06, at the Brasil 21 Events Center, in Brasília, DF. It is carried out by Embrapa and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply. See the full schedule at https://www.reuniaodetrigo.com.br/