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The idea is to obtain subsidies and additional information on the draft resolution that provides for the new biodiesel commercialization model to meet the mandatory mixing percentage in the formulation of diesel B, under the terms of Law No. 13,033/2014 and in compliance with Resolution No. 14 /2020, from the National Energy Policy Council (CNPE).
The president of the National Commission for Cereals, Fibers and Oilseeds of the CNA, Ricardo Arioli, highlighted that biodiesel is a strategic factor for the development of Brazilian agriculture.
According to him, Renovabio – the National Biofuels Policy – will allow the remuneration of producers of biodiesel raw materials, through CBios, encouraging the socio-environmental regularization of properties and the form of production. Therefore, producers are interested in transparency at all stages of biodiesel production and commercialization.
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“We are here to advocate that the deadline for change be extended so that we can better understand the direct and indirect impacts that a new model will have on producers of soy, cotton, sunflower, palm oil and other raw materials used in the production of biodiesel ”, he stated.
For Arioli, one of the main impacts would be on the Social Biodiesel Seal, a highly inclusive program for family farming, mainly in the production of soybeans, the main ingredient that generates biodiesel in Brazil.
“Analyzing only the sales price does not do justice to the countless positive indirect impacts that the regular production and use of biodiesel brings to our country”, he said.
The president of the National Commission for Cereals, Fibers and Oilseeds of the CNA also pointed out the advantages generated by the industrialization of soybeans in Brazil and the added value through the production of oil and bran, which tends to reduce the costs of meat production and, consequently, prices for the Brazilian consumer.
Another point mentioned by Arioli is that the intensification of cattle meat production – via confinements and semi-confinements –, with the use of soybean meal in feed, is a factor in environmental preservation, as it reduces the pressure to open new areas for new pastures. .
“In states like Mato Grosso, the largest national producer of soybeans and beef, it makes no sense for us to bring diesel oil to use here, since we are sitting on a true pre-salt biofuels. But the increase in the mixture of biodiesel and diesel makes perfect sense”, he analyzed.
The meeting was attended by representatives from the ANP, the Ministry of Agriculture and associations and companies in the sector.
Source: CNA | Clipping: Notícias Agrícolas