The cost of milk production accumulated an increase of 5.79% in 2020, according to Cepea research. In July, the effective operating cost (COE) of dairy farming increased by 1.41% in the “Brazil average” (BA, GO, MG, PR, RS, SC and SP). Producer prices in Cepea's net “Brazil Average” registered a real accumulated increase of 29.2% from January to July 2020. For August, the expectation is for a real record.
On the other hand, according to Embrapa, the prices of dairy products registered a general increase last week. Trading on the Spot market last week had good demand. In the wholesale market, UHT milk, mozzarella cheese and powdered milk rose in value. In the input market, the last week also saw an increase in the prices of soybean meal and corn.
Source: DATA
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