In June, processors consulted by Cepea were reluctant, preferring to work with stock already acquired or just liquidating paddy rice stored in their own warehouses. Dissatisfaction regarding the sales volume of processed rice and the “arm wrestling” regarding the values of the bale with the wholesale and retail sectors further weakened purchasing demand.
Thus, from May 31st to June 28th, the ESALQ/SENAR-RS Indicator, 58% whole grains, gave up 2%, closing at R$ 43.45/sc of 50 kg on the 28th. Specifically in the last seven days (June 25th on July 2nd), bark depreciated by 0.7%, reaching R$ 43.25/sc of 50 kg on the 2nd.
Despite the decline in bag values, producers consulted by Cepea made their lots available according to the needs of “making cash” and making payments on harvest commitments. However, brokers highlighted the low pace of sales throughout June, with a lack of purchase and sale offers, especially for “free” rice (stored on rural properties).
Post: Marina Carvejani
Source: agrolink