Recent research reveals that the incorrect use of agrochemicals can result in losses in the order of R$ 2 billion for agribusiness, as expenses with waste and expenses related to accidents and poisoning are added. This is what scientific researcher Hamilton Ramos, coordinator of the Reference Unit for Technology and Safety in the Application of Agrochemicals (UR), stated. According to him, this loss could directly affect the chain of small producers and low-income people, who are the majority in Brazil, as data compiled by UR indicate that between 25 million and 30 million people currently work in agribusiness and, Of these, 5 million are illiterate and 12 million work on temporary contracts. Furthermore, 85% of workers in the sector have no qualifications and are working on small properties.
The expert states that it is necessary to train professionals in the field “with a view to the sustainability of the use of agrochemicals or agricultural pesticides. Also train these professionals to convey key technology and security concepts using the simple language of a man in the field. On small properties, especially, misinformation predominates, leading to a lack of resources to support the safe use of agrochemicals. In these places, in general, we see low rates of use of personal protective equipment, for example.”
To conclude, Ramos recognizes that there is a controversial discussion surrounding the use of agricultural pesticides, but highlights that, currently, it is impossible to practice agribusiness without them. According to the scientist, the territorial extension of Brazil, which makes it a tropical country, makes another combat technique without chemical management of weeds, pests and diseases that compete with crops unfeasible.
Source: agrolink | Author: Leonardo Gottems