The Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Mato Grosso (Famato) held the first meetings of the entity's regionalized management plan. The 11 Rural Unions that make up Region 7, made up of municipalities in the southwest of the state, and the unions that are part of Region 1, made up of municipalities in the northwest of the state, were the first to receive the Famato board. The meetings took place in the municipalities of Juara and Cáceres, at the end of May. Eight other regions constituted by the entity will also have the same meetings.
In the first four months of management of the new Federation board for the 2017/2019 three-year period, a mapping of the state was carried out, dividing the 90 municipalities that have a rural union into 10 regions. The objective is to bring Famato closer to rural producers and provide the opportunity for unions to express their demands and participate in decisions.
“We will hold meetings by region to identify, understand and learn about the local problems of each region. From this, it will be possible to optimize activities, maximizing the effectiveness of actions and seek solutions that meet the reality of the region, respecting its peculiarities”, explained the president of Famato, Normando Corral.
The Rural Worker Assistance Fund (Funrural) was one of the topics discussed during the meetings. Corral presented the proposal prepared by the Agricultural Parliamentary Front (FPA) and the Brazilian Agriculture and Livestock Confederation (CNA) to the Federal Government to create a provisional measure to reduce the Funrural tax rate from 2.3% to 1.5%. Those who have not collected in recent years will pay 1.5% plus 0.8%.
In addition to Funrural, the progress of the Labor and Social Security Reforms in the National Congress, the State Transport and Housing Fund (Fethab), the current political and institutional crisis in the country and the situation of JBS in Mato Grosso were discussed.
Producers commented on the change in JBS's marketing model when purchasing cattle. The company informed livestock farmers that it is no longer making cash payments for cattle purchased, only in installments. Corral presented a study by the Mato-Grossense Institute of Agricultural Economics (Imea) that shows the real slaughter capacity of slaughterhouses installed in Mato Grosso.
The municipalities of Colniza, Aripuanã, Cotriguaçu, Juruena, Castanheira, Juína, Juara, Brasnorte and Porto dos Gaúchos are part of Regional 1 Northwest. The meeting was attended by union presidents from the municipalities of Colniza, Milton de Souza Amorim, Juína, José Lino Geraldo Martins Rodrigues, Juara, Jorge Mariano de Souza, Porto dos Gaúchos, Milton Carlos Zolin and Cotriguaçu, Damião Carlos de Lima, producers rural areas in the region and the director of Institutional Relations at Famato, José Luiz Fidelis.
Region 7 is made up of the municipalities of Comodoro, Pontes e Lacerda, Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade, Araputanga, São José dos Quatro Marcos, Mirassol D'Oeste, Rio Branco, Cáceres Rondolândia, Barra do Bugres and Porto Estrela. The presidents took part in this meeting: Alessandro Casado (São José dos Quatro Marcos), Selmo Cristino da Silva (Araputanga), Nilmar Miotto (Pontes e Lacerda), José Teixeira (Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade) and Bruno Fernandes Faria (Rio Branco). Director José Luiz Fidelis and representatives of the Association of Breeders of Mato Grosso (Acrimat) also participated in the meeting that took place at the Rural Union of Cáceres.
The regional offices were divided into: Region 1 Northwest, which encompasses nine unions; Region 2 North, with 12 unions; Region 3 Northeast with 6 unions; Region 4 East with 11 unions; Region 5 Central with 11 unions; Region 6 Midwest with 7 unions; Region 7 Southwest with 11 unions; Region 8 Baixada Cuiabana with 7 unions; Region 9 Southwest with 8 unions and Region 10 South with 8 unions.
See the map of the 10 regions via the link:
Source: Agrolink