According to the Conjunctural Information, released this Thursday (18/04) by Emater/RS-Ascar, linked to the State Secretariat for Rural Development (SDR), in the administrative region of Emater/RS-Ascar de Bagé, the harvest of olive came to an end in the municipality of Bagé, bringing with it results below expectations, thanks to the collapse. The main local agroindustry processed just under 15 tons, contrasting sharply with the 200 tons of the previous harvest.
This reduction in production represents an even greater drop than expected at the beginning of the harvest. The olive oil yield was slightly higher than 10%, resulting in a total production of 1,500 liters of good quality olive oil.
The low productivity of the plants led many producers not to harvest, which made it unfeasible to hire specialized labor. However, certain farmers with their own team chose to harvest the fruits of the plants, following technical recommendations to prevent the spread of fungal diseases in orchards.
Despite the challenges faced, the general health of the orchards is considered to be good. Mainly due to executing disease management protocols after late spring, which include fungicide applications.
Observers view the prospects for the next harvest with optimism, as the plants are in adequate health and excellent vigor, with long branches that promise good production retention for the next year.
Source: Seane Lennon | agrolink