Farmers with cassava available continue to have low interest in selling the product, due to recent drops in prices, the expectation of higher values in the coming months and lower rainfall, which made it difficult to advance the harvest. According to Cepea researchers, 66% from starch factories did not undergo processing in the last week. Others, in turn, had fewer working days, due to the holiday on the 15th (Proclamation of the Republic), which kept demand for the product low.
Between November 14th and 18th, the quantity of cassava processed in the starch industry was 27.1 thousand tons, 3.9% below the previous week. Due to lower supply, price drops were minimized. Thus, the long-term average for a ton of cassava starched was R$ 433.74 (R$ 0.7543 per gram of starch on the 5 kg hydrostatic scale), a decrease of 2.6% compared to the previous week.
Source: Cepea/Esalq