With an eye on the large Chinese market, which opened its doors to Argentine sorghum last year, the crop should become one of the biggest bets for producers in that country. Due to this demand, Syngenta announced the launch of a technology that combines three types of treatment for sorghum seed.
The first treatment is with the Concept III product, an antidote that protects sorghum from the phytotoxicity of graminicides (such as Dual Gold or Bicep Pack, a mixture of Gesaprim 90 and Dual Gold). The aim is to protect the plant against residues of these herbicides used to control broadleaves and grasses.
Maxim XL is then applied, which contains two systemic fungicides combined to control seed, soil and storage diseases. At the same time, sorghum is also treated with Cruiser 60bFS Sementeiro, an insecticide that is especially effective against larvae that lodge in the soil (Diloboderus abderus; Dyscinetus gagates; Cyclocephala spp.).
This triple professional treatment is carried out at the source, by sorghum growers, to ensure that exact doses are applied, through electronic control and with products evenly distributed to achieve homogeneous coverage. According to the manufacturer, this is the only way to ensure germination and initial development so that the sorghum hybrid can demonstrate its full potential in the field.