Abiove: Soy and biodiesel GDP in 2023 should grow by more than 20%

The total GDP of the soybean and biodiesel chain is expected to grow by 20.72% this year compared to 2022, according to a survey carried out by the Center for Advanced Studies in Applied Economics (Cepea), from Esalq/USP, in partnership with the Brazilian Association of Oil Industries Vegetables (ABIOVE). The positive GDP result of the production chain in the second quarter […]
Aboissa's participation in the Brasil Trade Talk Podcast

Our experts, Michel Malvasi and Thiago Prianti, were invited by Refinitiv's Brasil Trade Talk podcast to discuss the vegetable oils market. In the episode, the expectation of soybean processing in the face of a possible record harvest in 2024 was addressed, considering that the year 2023 has been quite challenging, with demand […]
Not even Chicago is capable of touching Brazilian soybeans

Information released by TF Agroeconomic indicates that there was a repetition of soybean prices in the state of Rio Grande do Sul. “Market falling on the Chicago Stock Exchange, but premiums correcting. Result? prices the same as yesterday. Increases in the margins of crushing plants begin to bring them to the forefront of business. Buyers, at the port, continue with […]
Researchers study the use of biological palm oil waxes as an alternative to petroleum products in cosmetics

A research team in Colombia studied the use of biological palm oil waxes as an alternative to petroleum products in cosmetics, as reported by Cosmetics Design Europe. Researchers at the Universidad Industrial de Santander discovered that seven biological waxes had high melting points and low penetration values, in addition to not showing […]
Ukraine's grain losses could exceed US$ 3.2 billion this year

Losses of the Ukrainian grain and oilseed agricultural sector could exceed US$ 3.2 billion this year due to rising logistics costs, combined with rising fuel and fertilizer prices. This could lead to a reduction in planted areas in the coming years, according to Reuters. Although it is one of the main producers and exporters […]