Withdrawal of rains in northern India impacts agriculture

The latest weekly weather and crop bulletin released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) provides crucial information about weather conditions in India and its impact on agriculture. The report highlights how the withdrawal of rain in the north of the country is affecting the rice and cotton harvest, as well as […]
Weather conditions in Argentina are challenging

Based on the latest climate and crop bulletin released by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), weather conditions in Argentina are causing significant impacts on agricultural production. However, the report examines how dry weather and lack of rain are affecting wheat development and the planting of […]
Drop in Mississippi River levels affects grain transport

Grain shipments in the Mississippi River system are being affected by falling water levels, according to a report from World Grain. Falling levels in the main US waterway are causing problems. This is increasing costs and prolonging the transportation of grain to the Gulf of Mexico for export, […]
Topsoe provides technology for PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional's renewable fuels complex in Cilacap, Indonesia

Topsoe is a company specialized in process technology. After all, it was chosen by PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (PT KPI) to provide technology. This happened, in fact, in the ambitious renewable fuel production complex in Cilacap, Indonesia. A crucial venture is in the works, promising to produce 6,000 barrels a day of sustainable aviation fuel […]