Holiday in São Paulo should harm movement in the soybean market

Image: Pixabay: The Brazilian soybean market is expected to remain slow at the beginning of the week, with nominal prices and regionalized behavior. Chicago is trying to recover from recent heavy losses, while the exchange rate is falling. The holiday in São Paulo and the producers' option to focus attention on the beginning of the harvest should limit […]
Holiday in São Paulo should harm movement in the soybean market

Image: Pixabay: The Brazilian soybean market is expected to remain slow at the beginning of the week, with nominal prices and regionalized behavior. Chicago is trying to recover from recent heavy losses, while the exchange rate is falling. The holiday in São Paulo and the producers' option to focus attention on the beginning of the harvest should limit […]
Holiday in São Paulo should harm movement in the soybean market

Image: Pixabay: The Brazilian soybean market is expected to remain slow at the beginning of the week, with nominal prices and regionalized behavior. Chicago is trying to recover from recent heavy losses, while the exchange rate is falling. The holiday in São Paulo and the producers' option to focus attention on the beginning of the harvest should limit […]