Aboissa visits more than 10 palm industries in Pará

In another itinerary made by Aboissa, the Palm & Lauric Oils unit visited more than 10 palm oil production industries in Pará. As the palm plant is from a tropical region, it enabled oil palm cultivation to be successful in the Amazon biome . The state of Pará is the one that most […]
ExpoVendaMais: Aboissa at the largest sales management and commercial strategy event in Brazil
ExpoVendaMais 2019 was a corporate event, completely innovative and designed so that leaders can make effective decisions, maximize results and guarantee the growth and profitability of their companies. The event brought together 25 years of experience in Management and Sales, in an unmissable approach, providing access to tools and dynamics that provided a lot of learning. The experts Raul Candeloro (founder and director of Editora Quantum), Marcelo […]