Brazil supports Chinese candidate for FAO leadership
The Brazilian government supports the candidacy of Qu Dongyu, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian Affairs of the People's Republic of China, as Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The elections will take place on June 22 at FAO headquarters in Rome during the 42nd session of the Conference […]
Cattle supply improves, but prices continue to move sideways
The supply of cattle improved, however, it was not enough for industries to put pressure on the market last Wednesday (22/5). In places where the price of arroba has been falling, like in Goiás, for example, in addition to the greater availability of cattle, the search for cattle has been calm, compared to other regions, which has resulted in […]
Fenagra 2019

Fenagra – International Agroindustrial Fair 2019, held on the 15th and 16th of May at Expo Dom Pedro, in Campinas, was a great success, with an audience that exceeded 5000 visitors, 112 exhibitors and 5 congresses, breaking a record in all questions. All exhibitors had the opportunity to introduce new products […]