Replacement animal prices have fallen, on average, 6.7% since the beginning of the year in Minas Gerais
In recent weeks, the lack of confidence in the future of the cattle market and climate change in the state resulted in low movements in the replacement market. In the same period, although the number of negotiations was low, the supply adjusted to demand allowed the prices of replacement categories to be sustained.
CONAB announces new corn auctions to guarantee prices for producers
The National Supply Company (Conab) announced, on Tuesday (18), new announcements for auctions of the Product Outflow Premium (PEP) and the Equalizer Award Paid to Rural Producers (PEPRO) for corn producers in the States of Goiás, Mato Grosso and Mato Grosso do Sul. The auctions will be held this Thursday (20).
Government measures will weigh on agribusiness
In one fell swoop, the Temer government dealt two very hard blows to Brazilian agribusiness: it imposed restrictive rules on access to rural credit from cooperatives and integrating companies and increased the cost of fuel, which has a direct impact on freight. According to Consultoria Trigo & Farinhas, both affect the production costs of all products […]